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Photo Gallery

DBWC Board Members meeting with Ms. Ann Cairns MasterCard’s Global President of International markets. 02-Oct-2014
DBWC September 18 Network Majlis on Crowd Funding 19-Sep-2014
DBWC Exclusive Luncheon with Northern Ireland’s Minister of Enterprise-Trade and Investment 18-Sep-2014
Ro’ya workshop 5 “Your People” July 3rd 2014 03-Jul-2014
Ro’ya Workshop Four “Doing Business In the UAE” 12-Jun-2014
DBWC and NBAD Fursati event 11-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission - Manchester 10-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission - Visit to Goggle Offices; Tech City and Tech Hub 10-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission - Arab British Chamber of Commerce Event in London 09-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission - Visit to PWC Main office in London 09-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission: Visit to the Parliament and Meeting with Rt. Hon. Baroness Warsi-Senior Minister of State 09-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission - Arab British Chamber of Commerce Event in London 09-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission - Visit to PWC Main office in London 09-Jun-2014
UK Trade Mission: Visit to the Parliament and Meeting with Rt. Hon. Baroness Warsi-Senior Minister of State 09-Jun-2014

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